LIFEstylers CLUB - join loyalty program
Earn points for your purchases and other activities in Factory
Join Factory's loyalty program and discover everything prepared for you!
Join now! All you need to do is register using the webform or FACTORY application (Apple or Google Play) or visit our Info Point

Purchase in LIFEstylers CLUB member stores

Accumulate points by scanning your QR code LIFEstyler

Get discounts and experiences
Do you have a Factory account?
Sign in and start enjoying

Receive 1 point for every 5 PLN spent in stores with the Lifestyler label.

Early access to information about promotions and events.

At Factory we reward your loyalty on your birthday.

Enjoy our Wi-Fi connection and browse without problems.

Join CLUB LIFEstylers program and enjoy all its advantages.
Do you have a Factory account?
Sign in and start enjoying
How many points have you accumulated?
Sign in and check it!